We're hitting the home stretch. I think the muscle sims are a flop (for now). With the time crunch I think that maybe I might get muscle deformers to work. The muscle sim is "working" but the settings can't be adjusted. It could be user error but it's also still in beta. I even tried redoing the muscles so there weren't any intersections, but it remained with the same problem. It's okay, because with a proper fur sim it shouldn't be as noticeable that things don't jiggle the exact way, I want them to. I'm definitely going to revisit the muscles because it really irks me that the settings were whack.
I've been slap comping Winston in Photoshop because I think it's important to visualize what a good compositor could do with the asset. I did download some clean plates to try my hand at a composite or two, but I think with it due Monday and it now being Sunday, I might have to trim down my ideas. It bums me out, but I really need to put together something pretty for the show and my Demo Reel. I have to remind myself that it's not the end all be all. I can always go back and keep working on him.
I've really enjoyed having the opportunity to learn on my own and dedicate my time to this. This quarter flew by and was really a blur. I'll miss all my SCAD friends and Professors.
I can't wait to animate little stories with him now that I got the technical stuff figured out. I have a couple ideas to really bring him to life as a character with some personality. He's my special boy.
Redshift is my new favorite render engine. It's been really user friendly and so fast. I've been free marketing for them when I go to Monty. I go up to people and I'm like "Have you used Redshift?" "It'd be faster" "Look at pretty fur". No one listens to me. They all just look so tired. Redshift would fix all their worries.
If you read this far, I'm sorry. You made it. It's 2:30am and I'm simply waiting for my fur sim to find out if I'm a failure or not. There's a chance I did one thing wrong by not Prerolling the animation so the guides might have gotten confused in the armpits and groin areas. We will find out soon.