This week I was able to test to see what my groom looked like in Redshift. Though I have made progress I feel like it's taking longer than I would like. Everything I did to the groom for it to look good in Mantra is completely different in Redshift. I think this is what we call a "teachable moment" I love the handling of each strand in Redshift. I think it has a softer quality.
Also was having a very hard time finding out how to activate Redshift for my home houdini. I think I did just find a good solution with Professor Deborah Fowler's help. But I haven't yet done it since I was limited to working at monty for the weekend.
Here's some preliminary renders out of Redshift. I still have a lot of fine tuning to go.
My hope is that this week, before I leave to go to Los Angeles on Wednesday, I will have it at least controlled by an actual texture map. And if I get that working, I hope to have all the parts of the wolf in there for my next render.
I struggled all day today with the RS materials. I can't even tell you how I managed to get it to work in the last hour. Well, I have some idea. But that of all things. Crazy.
Anyways, I'm just going to leave these images here. I didn't even play with lighting or make custom textures for the fur yet.
Also, going to tone down the brightness of the iris colors. Looks a little too unnatural.